Gail Haire Art
Artist Statement
I draw my inspiration from the Southwest desert landscape and the Grand Canyon. I have hundreds of reference photos that I use for ideas. Different photos capture my imagination at different times. I have a contemporary style, so I spend a lot of time studying the photos looking for the most basic lines and shapes. From there, I sketch those shapes and develop the composition. Then I’m done with the photo. Next, I will decide on the color and light and shadows to build emotion and depth in the painting. The most important elements in my paintings are simplicity and calm.
Ideas for how to create different components of a painting can come from the most unusual places: television shows, golf courses, or an incredible sunrise or sunset. I have learned to always be aware - my subconscious will lead me to an idea for either a painting or a component of a painting.
My mission is to create work that captures a viewer eye and takes them on a journey to see that simplicity is everywhere and to feel the calm that simplicity exudes. I believe everyone can use a little simplicity and calm in their life today. I hope you enjoy my work.
Please contact me to schedule an appointment to view my work: